The Priory in the USA of the Order of St John
Serving Mankind for a Millennium through Serving the Sick and the Poor
Serving Mankind for a Millennium through Serving the Sick and the Poor
The history and original purpose of the Order of St John - one that began over 1,000 years ago in a hospice for sick pilgrims in Jerusalem - continues to this day. Throughout the centuries, two things have remained constant and are preserved in the motto of the Order: Pro Fide (For the Faith) and Pro Utilitate Hominum (In the Service of Humanity). As it has developed into a modern charity, the Order has never forgotten its roots and the integral connection between faith and action.
Today the Order of St John is a global humanitarian charity consisting of 11 Priories and over 30 associations, 21,000 members worldwide and 250,000 dedicated volunteers operating in more than 30 countries. The Order encompasses the foundations of the St. John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group (SJEHG) and St John Ambulance.
The first objective of the Order is the encouragement of all that makes for the spiritual and moral strengthening of mankind in accordance with the first great principle of the Order embodied in the motto “Pro Fide.” The Order’s second objective is the encouragement and promotion of all work of humanity and charity for the relief of those in sickness, distress, suffering or danger, without distinction of race, class or religion and the extension of the second great principle of the Order embodied in the motto “Pro Utilitate Hominum.”
St. John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group (SJEHG) was established in 1882 and continues to provide the highest quality ophthalmic care to the people of East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza, irrespective of race, gender, or ability to pay.
The Hospital continues to witness new levels of determination and strength, making it a year of progression in our fight against preventable blindness.
59,107 children screened
175,544 patients treated; 4,088 major operations
$3.6M donated to SJEHG